Sunday, March 20, 2011

Chapter 40 B Housing

Does anyone have any thoughts on the proposed 40B development off of Randolph Ave near between Highland and Reed Street? 96 units of rental housing on I believe 7 acres. That is pretty dense. I am not against affordable housing in Milton. I am not sure if the developer has a project eligibility letter from the State. If he does and if the developer applies for a comprehensive permit the ZBA could reject it. The Problem is that the rejection can be appealed to the State. Leaving the ultimate outcome out of  the Town's hands. I would like to find ways for the Town to plan sensible  development of affordable housing so that projects do not get forced on us that are undesirable. It is my understanding that if the Town has an approved affordable housing plan and can demonstrate that it increased affordable housing by 3/4 of 1% during the year that an application for a comprehesive permit would not be appealable to the State. I would support studing the feasability of such a plan.

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